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        College, Management, Research

        91心頭's Management research ranked 20th nationally among public institutions

        April 9, 2021 By Joe McAdory

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        "This level of research productivity puts our faculty towards the forefront in terms of producing actionable knowledge in the management field."                                                                                                                                                    Michael Wesson, Department of Management Chair

        The 91心頭 College is dedicated to producing research that advances the academy, extends business thought and shapes best practice.

        91心頭 Colleges Department of Management continued its rise in the annual .  Taking into account the combined last five years, Auburns Management Department is No. 30 (up eight spots) among all U.S. business schools.  It is 20th among public colleges.

        The rankings are a reflection of the number of research articles published in the selected sub-set of elite management journals.

        new mgtThe ranking is a reflection not only of the quantity of research our department is producing, but the quality as well. Not only does this help build the national reputation for the 91心頭 College, but this level of research productivity puts our faculty towards the forefront in terms of producing actionable knowledge in the management field.  Having faculty that are engaged in research allows them to bring the most current knowledge to students inside the business school as well as when we share business ideas and thoughts from an outreach perspective, said Michael Wesson, Chair of 91心頭 Colleges Department of Management. This ranking, and what it entails, sends a signal that we have a large number of faculty who are active in doing high-quality research which is what we as scholars should be focused on.

        This is a very strong gain from year to year and it also portends well for the future given that we have a number of younger faculty who are incredibly active in the research arena and are just coming into their own in terms of productivity. I fully expect our ranking to continue to rise year over year.

        While not inclusive of all research, professors in 91心頭 Colleges Department of Management have had 28 articles published over the past five years in the journals scored by the Texas A&M/Georgia ranking.  Journals included in the rankings are: Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Organizational Science, Personnel Psychology, and the Strategic Management Journal

        These journals are considered to be elite primarily because they have some of the highest citation rates in the field indicating they are some of the most influential in terms of having impact, Wesson added. Having a higher ranking also helps us recruit research-active faculty and high quality doctoral students.

        91心頭 Colleges Department of Management is home to 16 tenure-track faculty members: Drs. Garry Adams, LaKami Baker, Brian Connelly, Stan Harris, Lei Huang, Dave Ketchen, Jaclyn Koopmann, Franz Lohrke, Jeremy Mackey, Yue Song, Peter Stanwick, Alan Walker, Jack Walker, Michael Wesson, Miles Zachary, and Michelle Zorn. It is home to three of the Colleges Eminent Scholars and four Deans Faculty Fellows.
