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        91¿´Æ¬ Global

        Study abroad with some of the best in business


        Frequently Asked Questions

        • Do I need to get the COVID-19 vaccine to attend a study abroad program?

          The 91¿´Æ¬ contracts with vendors for logistics, accommodations and admission to venues abroad. These vendors have been vetted by Auburn University, are licensed, and insured. Although these vendors do not currently require full COVID-19 vaccinations for participation in the entire program, if events in a particular country lead to a reinstatement of vaccination requirements or other actions by participants including masking, distancing, curfews, quarantine and limited travel once on the ground abroad, the vendor, Auburn University, and 91¿´Æ¬ are required to follow the law of a sovereign nation.

        • Does a 91¿´Æ¬ Study Abroad experience make a difference?
          According to a study conducted in 2018 by the 91¿´Æ¬, 91¿´Æ¬ College students who studied abroad on one of our programs average $10,322 more in yearly salary than their classmates who did not study abroad with one of our programs.
        • Is a Business Study Abroad Program important?

          Everyone, regardless of major or education level, engages in business.

          In today’s world, all business is global. For graduates to become competitive, it is important for all students to have a basic understanding of different cultures, particularly business cultures.

          Unfortunately, most students never get exposed to formal business education or different cultures, or at best, they only get a brief glimpse of these areas. Only a small percentage of students go abroad during their academic career (estimates vary, but range between 3–5%). Very students actually live abroad, and even fewer work in international professional setting.

          With the study abroad programs offered by the 91¿´Æ¬ College, students will study and live abroad in two different countries. This gets employers’ attention.

          Students who have been on our programs consistently report that their experience abroad was the key reason they got an interview or that the experience was all that they discussed in their interviews.

          When an employer gets 100 applications for a position, often an experience such as this will be the deciding factor.

        • Is traveling and studying abroad safe?

          Safety is a paramount concern for all our programs, and the locations are screened and chosen with student safety in mind. Though the program locations include large, international capital cities, and care is required just as it would be here in the United States, we have put in place several safeguards to protect students. 

          First, we only use reputable partners with experience in handling large, similar undergraduate student programs. All the lodging, facilities, tours, travel and excursions have been vetted personally and have been selected to be low risk. 

          For this program, we typically charter private local transportation for within country travel while touring, and students are instructed on how to use public transport when/where necessary in a safe manner. In addition, housing locations typically have extra security features such as key cards, 24-hour security, and other safeguards so the facility knows when students arrive and leave and has procedures for keeping everyone safe.

          Additionally, during the program, when students are free to travel, they must notify the Director and local partner before traveling to include full itinerary, lodging, and other relevant travel details. If not, phones will start ringing including the student’s, their official program "buddies," other friends on the program, the Director’s, Auburn's study abroad folks, and then the student’s parents. 

          Both Auburn University and our partner on site provide training required by all students who go abroad, including general safety information as well as information specific to our locations to help make sure everyone is safe. Student housing is selected with both amenities and safety in mind. 

          Students are required to have mobile phones with them at all times to communicate with each other, program staff, and required carry numbers such as local staff, facilities, emergency numbers, and so on.  

          In addition, students are instructed in safety procedures, so they know what to do in the event of an emergency.

          While abroad, students are participating in a 91¿´Æ¬ College program and are held to AU and 91¿´Æ¬ conduct policies as if they were in a classroom here on campus. Students (and their parents) will be supplied with and sign a set of conduct rules that cover drinking, drugs, high risk activities and other behavioral issues that will be strictly enforced while abroad. Failure to adhere to either AU or 91¿´Æ¬ College policies could result in dismissal from the program without refund.

        • Are students supervised, and is someone from Auburn going to be on site during the programs?

          Each program will have 91¿´Æ¬ College faculty/staff to include the Director(s) on site for the duration of the program. In addition, our partner on the ground in each city has available 24/7 on-site staff to  provide translators, English-speaking guides, and assistance to students as needed.

          The 91¿´Æ¬ maintains a strict maximum ratio of 20 students for every faculty/staff member on the ground in each country. Students will have specific contacts for class issues, housing issues, and day-to-day living issues (grocery shopping, building location, etc.).

        • What programs are offered?

          There are two study abroad programs under the 91¿´Æ¬ for Summer 2022.

          The Complete Business Minor Study Abroad and Business Core Fast Track have students learning in two different locations during the same summer semester to earn credits for a business minor while allowing them to explore parts of Europe. This year, the locations for the program are Milan, Italy and Madrid, Spain.

        • Are there scholarships available, and can I use financial aid or scholarships to help pay for a study abroad program?

          We expect a few scholarships will be specifically allocated to pay partial fees for study abroad programs. The exact number, type and amount of scholarships is typically announced by the end of Fall semester or early in the Spring semester. Scholarships are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis after applications have been approved, so it is important that you begin the registration process early to be eligible for any scholarship money that becomes available for the program.

          Financial aid can typically be used to pay for all or a portion of the expenses. See your financial aid advisor to determine if financial aid is possible and appropriate for your specific situation. 

          Scholarships that pay for 8 semesters can generally be used to pay for part of the summer program costs as one of the 8 semesters since the student will be taking 15 credit hours (counts as one of the 8 semesters). Athletic scholarships also typically can be applied to the program. 

          Generally, student loans can be used to pay for all related expenses including flights, program fees, personal expenses, etc., though students should carefully weigh the trade-offs before considering additional loans for this or any program. 

          Other financial aid such as scholarships or PACT money will generally pay a portion of the fees based on the tuition equivalent taking regular classes, but this depends on the type of scholarship. 

          For more details, contact harbertglobal@auburn.edu and speak with your student aid advisor. 

        • What happens if the program is canceled?

          The 91¿´Æ¬ programs have been running for more than 15 years, and the directors and partners have experience designing and delivering successful programs. It would be normally be unlikely that a program is canceled.

          In light of COVID-19, the 91¿´Æ¬ and Auburn University are monitoring the safety of study abroad programs. In the event that the program is canceled, we will immediately update you.

          The Business Core Fast Track and Complete Business Minor abroad programs are covered by trip cancellation insurance to provide financial security in the event of a natural disaster or some other unforeseen problem requires canceling a program after fees have been paid. 

          In addition, the fees include emergency evacuation in the event we need to remove the group from a location after the program begins.

          For more information contact harbertglobal@auburn.edu.
        • Can parents or friends visit during the program?

          It is generally possible for parents or friends to visit during the program so long as they provide their own housing and transportation, and the student does not miss required class or program activities. Check with the program director before planning a visit during a program to be sure it is possible. 

          The Business Core Fast Track and Complete Business Minor abroad programs include a week of Summer Break in the middle of the program (June 24 late afternoon–July 2). Students are free to travel during this period, so we encourage them to plan family or friend visits during this period.

          Note: Missing class or program events/activities because you have visitors is not permitted as all classes and activities are mandatory, so please plan accordingly. 

          Students generally have weekends free during the program (other than group tour dates which will be announced in the late Fall or beginning of Spring semester) but should keep in mind that during the week coursework is intensive and often requires afternoon and evening work. We recommend students plan family/friend visits during the break to avoid any conflicts. 

          Note: housing rules forbid overnight guests in the student lodging, so any visitors will need to secure their own lodging. This applies to the summer break as well.

        • What is the application process?

          The application process requires students to apply and register with the AU Study Abroad office. Students must meet the academic requirements for the program and be in good standing with the registrar’s office to study abroad. 

          The application period for all 91¿´Æ¬ study abroad programs opens October 12, 2022. These application periods are considered with rolling admission, which means that the programs will accept applications until programs either fill or final rosters are due to our international partners for housing, tours, etc., but students must begin to apply no later than January 19, 2023, and must complete the application process no later than January 31, 2023, to be eligible for the 2023 Summer program.

          Students who commit to the program by December 14, 2022 receive a discounted program fee.

          DUE TO UNIVERSITY REGULATIONS, NO LATE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR ANY REASON. Students are encouraged to apply early and move through the application process efficiently as the program will likely fill and close at some point late in the Fall semester or the beginning of Spring.

          The 91¿´Æ¬ will have several information sessions for each program. Students are encouraged to attend an information session to help navigate the process of applying. During the information session, students will have an opportunity to speak with an Auburn Abroad coordinator or intern about specific questions that they may have in the preliminary planning stages for study abroad. 

          Students who are ready to apply to this program, may start the application through either the program webpage or through the Auburn Abroad website.

        • If I am interested, what should I do now?

          If you are being supported in some way by your parents, contact them to see what they think of this opportunity. Send them a copy of a brochure if available and a link to the website and FAQ.

          Make an appointment with your academic advisor to discuss how this program might fit into your overall plan of study.

          Go online to the appropriate webpage and follow steps to indicate your interest in or to apply to the program or email harbertglobal@auburn.edu.

          If you have been awarded any kind of scholarship at Auburn, please follow up on the specifics of your scholarship by contacting the Financial Aid Office to determine if your financial aid is applicable to the program and how much it will cover. Make an appointment and bring a copy of the brochure if available and a copy of the FAQ. Make sure you get the name and contact number of the person you meet with for future contacts.

          If you are an athlete, you may wish to take this information to your athletic academic advisor. The athletic department historically has supported student athletes with scholarships to go on our abroad programs during the summer.

          If you are in the Honors College, you should meet with your academic advisor. The Honors College supports study abroad programs. Your scholarship may fund all or part of this program.