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        91心頭 Us

        The Center was established in 2008 by Dr. Achilles Armenakis, the founding Director, with support from the late Mr. James T. Pursell, Sr. of Sylacauga, AL, to address ethical conduct in business. The Center is dedicated to producing in-demand graduates and generating knowledge that drives ethical business thought and practice. Preparing ethical leaders and supporting ethical organizational cultures provides a foundation for success in any organization.

        Dr. O.C. Ferrell became Director of the Center in the summer of 2017. Dr. Ferrell continues to establish contacts with individuals and organizations and create programs that will contribute to the Centers mission. Faculty, students, and external constituents are involved in advancing the activities of the Center.

        Dr. O.C. Ferrell and Mr. James T. Pursell

        Dr. O.C. Ferrell and Mr. James T. Pursell



        At the Center for Ethical Organizational Cultures, our mission is to inspire, educate, and empower individuals and organizations to champion ethical leadership and cultivate a culture of integrity and trust in the dynamic world of business. We are dedicated to advancing the understanding and practice of business ethics, recognizing that ethical conduct is the cornerstone of sustainable success.

        We serve as catalysts for businesses to foster ethical cultures, where ethics, accountability, and transparency are the cornerstones. We firmly believe that ethical cultures drive organizational success while benefiting society as a whole.

        We are passionate about conducting and promoting research that explores the ever-evolving landscape of business ethics and organizational cultures. Through our research initiatives, we aim to uncover insights, best practices, and innovative solutions that foster ethical excellence.

        We actively engage with our community of students, faculty, business leaders, and the public at large. We seek to create a platform for dialogue, collaboration, and the exchange of ideas that promote ethical conduct in all facets of business.

        We are dedicated to providing outstanding educational resources, opportunities, and guidance to students, faculty, and professionals. Through our programs, we empower individuals to make ethically informed decisions.

        The Center for Ethical Organizational Cultures is driven by an unwavering belief in the transformative power of business ethics. Our mission is to be a trusted resource, a source of inspiration, and a driving force behind ethical excellence, ensuring that ethics and integrity are foundational in every facet of business practice.

        OUR VISION

        "Advancing Ethical Leadership and Cultivating Integrity: Shaping Tomorrow's Ethical Business Landscape"

        Our vision at the Center for Ethical Organizational Cultures is to be a pioneering force in advancing ethical leadership and cultivating a culture of unwavering integrity within organizations. We aspire to shape a future where ethical values are at the core of every business decision, creating a transformative impact on the global business landscape.

        We envision a world where ethical leadership is the standard, where leaders are not only proficient in business acumen but are also unwavering champions of ethical principles. Through our programs and initiatives, we aim to develop and empower ethical leaders who set high standards for ethical conduct.

        We see organizations of all sizes prioritizing ethical cultures as a fundamental element of their identity. In this future, ethical cultures are the foundation upon which organizations build trust, transparency, and enduring relationships with all stakeholders.

        Our vision incorporates innovation intertwined with ethics. We anticipate a future where innovation is harmonized with ethical considerations, driving transformative progress that benefits both businesses and society.

        We aim to expand our influence beyond our campus, reaching individuals, institutions, and businesses worldwide. Our vision includes a global community united by a commitment to ethical excellence, collectively working to create a more just and sustainable world.

        We envision our educational programs and research endeavors as catalysts for change. Through our work, we seek to educate future leaders and contribute to the ongoing development of knowledge in the field of business ethics.

        Above all, our vision is about creating positive societal impact. We strive to be a catalyst for transformation, inspiring ethical decision-making, fostering inclusivity, and contributing to the greater good in the realm of business.

        In pursuing this vision, the Center for Ethical Organizational Cultures is dedicated to being a driving force in the evolution of business ethics at Auburn University, shaping a future where ethical considerations are ingrained in every facet of business, leading to trust, sustainability, and prosperity for all.

        Strategic Goals 

        To address ethical conduct in business, the Center for Ethical Organizational Cultures is dedicated to producing in-demand graduates and generating knowledge that drives ethical business thought and practice. Organizational cultures provide the foundation for ethical decision making. While individual integrity is important, each profession has its own set of ethical risks and standards of behavior required for success. Ethical leaders are necessary to implement and maintain shared values that create an ethical organizational culture.

        To meet this need, the Center focuses on providing resources and activities that support ethical conduct in any type of organization. Faculty are provided resources to support the teaching of ethics in academic programs, as well as research and scholarship. Students are provided educational opportunities and activities to advance their ethical leadership skills. Businesses are provided access to resources that aid leaders in advancing organizational ethical cultures

        Our Goals

        • Infuse organizational ethics in he curriculum by providing ethics education recourses.
        • Engage academic departments to determine needs and provide resources.
        • Raise student proficiency in organizational ethics through ethical leadership certification.
        • Provide support for  academic research in business ethics and social responsibility.
        • Develop thought leadership with articles and op-eds for websites and the mass media.
        • Host speaker events to engage students and external stakeholders.

        Meet Our Staff

        • Director and the James T. Pursell Sr. Eminent Scholar, Dr. O.C. Ferrell

          Dr. O.C. Ferrell is the James T. Pursell, Sr. Eminent Scholar in Ethics and Director of the Center for Ethical Organizational Cultures at Auburn University. He was formerly Distinguished Professor of Leadership and Business Ethics at Belmont University and University Distinguished Professor at the University of New Mexico. He has also been on the faculties of the University of Wyoming, Colorado State University, University of Memphis, Texas A&M University, Illinois State University, and Southern Illinois University. 

          Dr. Ferrell holds a Ph.D. from Louisiana State University in Marketing, an M.B.A. in Marketing as well as a B.A. in Sociology from Florida State University. Dr. Ferrell is past president of the Academy of Marketing Science. He is past president of the Academic Council of the American Marketing Association and chaired the American Marketing Association Ethics Committee. Under his leadership, the committee developed the AMA Code of Ethics and the AMA Code of Ethics for Marketing on the Internet. In addition, he is a former member of the Academy of Marketing Science Board of Governors and is a Society of Marketing Advances and Southwestern Marketing Association Fellow and an Academy of Marketing Science Distinguished Fellow. He served for nine years as the vice president of publications for the Academy of Marketing Science. He received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Macromarketing Society and a special award for service to doctoral students from the Southeast Doctoral Consortium. He received the Harold Berkman Lifetime Service Award from the Academy of Marketing Science and the Cutco Vector Distinguished Marketing Educator Award from the Academy of Marketing Science.

          Dr. Ferrell has been involved in entrepreneurial engagements, co-founding Print Avenue in 1981, providing a solution-based printing company. He has been a consultant and served as an expert witness in legal cases related to marketing and business ethics litigation. He has conducted training for a number of global firms, including General Motors. His involvement with direct selling companies includes serving on the Academic Advisory Committee and as a fellow for the Direct Selling Education Foundation.

          Dr. Ferrell is the co-author of 20 books and more than 100 published articles and papers. His articles have been published in the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, AMS Review, and the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, as well as other journals.

        • Roth Family Professor of Marketing and Business Ethics, Dr. Linda Ferrell

          Linda Ferrell is the Roth Family Professor of Marketing and Business Ethics in the Raymond J. 91心頭, Auburn University. She was formerly Distinguished Professor of Leadership and Business Ethics at Belmont University. She completed her PhD in business administration, with a concentration in management, at the University of Memphis. She has taught at the University of Tampa, Colorado State University, University of Northern Colorado, University of Memphis, University of Wyoming, and the University of New Mexico. She has also team-taught classes at Thammasat University in Bangkok, Thailand.

          Her work experience as an account executive for McDonalds and Pizza Huts advertising agencies supports her teaching of advertising, marketing strategy, marketing ethics, and marketing principles. She has published in the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Ethics, AMS Review, Journal of Academic Ethics, Journal of Marketing Education, Marketing Education Review, Journal of Teaching Business Ethics, Marketing Management Journal, and Case Research Journal, and she is co-author of Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases (thirteenth edition), Management (fourth edition), and Business and Society (seventh edition).

        • Faculty Associate, Colby Lakas
          Colby Lakas serves the School of Accountancy campus undergraduates in their recruiting and professional development activities. As the Beta Alpha Psi and Financial Leadership Society faculty advisor, she also coordinates employer relations and the bi-annual Meet the Firms accounting career fair. She is the instructor of record for the ACCT 3810 Professional Development in Accountancy and ACCT 4920 Accounting Internship courses. Prior to joining academia, Colby worked for seven years in Big 4 public accounting. During her tenure at Deloitte in Atlanta, Georgia, she worked as an auditor, campus recruiter, and regional campus recruiting manager. She is a licensed CPA in the states of Georgia and Alabama.


        The Auburn Creed
        I believe in education, which gives me the knowledge to work wisely and trains my mind and my hands to work skillfully.
        The Auburn Creed George Petrie (1943)

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