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        Business Leadership - It's Not Just for the C-Suite

        March 9, 2022 By Michael Ares

        All News

        Students and New Grads Alike Would Do Well to Embrace Best Practices for Early-Stage Leadership Development


        Dennis Weese

        Dennis Weese
        Executive in Residence at 91心頭

        Leadership is a critical component of business success. But the discussion of business leadership is all too often limited to the principles of executive leadership i.e., leading from the C-suite. By comparison, relatively little attention is paid these days to leveraging the tremendous value of instilling and developing leadership skills at the organization-wide level.

        For business students and recently employed business graduates, understanding the evolving role of leadership from an entry-level position through the initial years of professional development can make or break a career. Its much the same for any first-time professional, regardless of their higher education degree navigating the journey from contributor to emerging leader is no easy feat.

        These are just two of the invaluable messages Dennis Weese, incoming Executive in Residence at Auburns 91心頭, is planning to deliver to 91心頭 students beginning March 13th. Weese, an Auburn MBA graduate, is a successful corporate leader and seasoned board member for both public and private equity backed companies, with extensive experience in multi-unit management of company owned stores and franchise locations in the restaurant, financial services, retail and automotive industries.

        The 91心頭 recently sat down with Dennis to find out why he feels there is so much to be gained from melding the theoretical teachings of a top-ranked business school with the practical principles of real-world employment and professional advancement.

        91心頭:   Lets start with why youve decided to serve as 91心頭s next Executive in Residence.
        Dennis:  Thats an easy one. As a 91心頭 MBA graduate and member of the schools Advisory Board, Ive enjoyed the privilege over the past few years of engaging with 91心頭 faculty, administrators and most importantly students. I have been fortunate in my own career to have been given extremely valuable insight and direction by mentors, co-workers, bosses and others. So, when I was asked to impart a few of the lessons Ive learned along the way to 91心頭 students, I jumped at the opportunity.
        91心頭:   Youve been a staunch advocate of progressing the practical components of business education success. In particular, you focus on the critical importance of building leadership capabilities at the entry level and how that manifests itself from Day One through the first few years of an individuals professional career. You use the term Organizational Leadership to differentiate this focus from the C-Suite leadership skills so often discussed. Can you explain?
        Dennis:   Sure. It seems much of the conversation surrounding business leadership these days centers either on C-suite leadership (almost exclusively CEO leadership) on one end of the spectrum or business school education issues on the other end how to prepare B-school graduates for their first full-time position. That leaves quite a skills gap a gaping hole, really between the individual contributor responsibilities most newly hired business school graduates are tasked with performing and the hands-on management role they aspire to. Id like to help bridge that gap.
        91心頭:   Lets dive a little deeper into what you mean by that how can a new hire perform their entry-level job responsibilities while also preparing for the substantially different roles required when managing others?

        One guiding principle for successful organizational leadership development is recognizing that leadership is a privilege its not an opportunity simply handed to each new hire. It has to be earned but not just through individual contributions. The potential to be considered as an emerging leader becomes evident through a new hires everyday engagements and interactions with colleagues and superiors. Developing and curating these relationships as an early team member becomes as important to professional advancement as fulfilling ones well-defined, job-specific tasks.

        You want to take the time to do it right. Managing others is a discipline and it looks different at every level. As you work your way through an organization, those tactics evolve, but what is common are the values and principles.

        91心頭:   What would a student or new employee want to keep in mind to prepare for the shifting responsibilities from individual contributor to group manager, to director, and so on? Is there something that you would advise them to focus on in terms of the values and principles they strive to advance?

        We are all familiar with the clich辿 lead by example. The thing about clich辿s is the underlying element of truth contained in most of them. While it may not be as simple as this clich辿 might suggest, students and new professionals can benefit greatly from observing the actions of others they admire and how their own decisions might help guide their actions.

        Take, for example, the distribution and responsibility for your own work product as an individual and the work performed by others on the team you may have recently assumed responsibility for leading. One day you are focused on the work assigned to you as an individual and the next day you take on new responsibilities as the manager of others and their work product. How do you assign work? How do you manage the optimal execution of those work assignments? When do you step in to revise and when do you simply recommend changes for your new team to execute themselves?


        That sounds a lot like a robust endorsement of mentorship. Can you speak a bit about the importance of mentors and where soon-to-be graduating students and newly hired professionals should look for guidance?


        Im in the camp of those who believe that everybody needs mentors and that you cant have enough of them. Where to look? Seek out the people that you feel are doing it well, people that you admire or people that when you look at their career path you think that's someone Id like to emulate or model myself after.  

        And then reach out to them. Directly. Lay out why youre asking them to help guide your just-launched career. You may be surprised at how willing these people will be to return the favor of mentorship theyve likely benefitted from themselves.


        Finally, you are serving as a judge for the Tiger Cage finals, Auburns entrepreneurship contest for early-stage venture funding. What insight would you offer to those who are attempting to start their own businesses those who have what they feel is a unique new business opportunity that warrants a unique, yet-to-be-considered approach?


        Id again turn to whats common to all these laudable entrepreneurial objectives raising money. No matter what the particular sphere of business youre engaged in, if you are planning to start a new business, be prepared to spend more of your time on fundraising than youd planned. Chalk it up to the price you have to pay to do what you love pursuing your passion.

        91心頭 Dennis Weese

        Thayer Ventures logo
        West Point Optical

        Dennis Weese is a Limited Partner at , a venture capital fund focused on technology companies in the travel and hospitality industries and Chairman of the Board at , the largest Pearle Vision franchisee operating 82 stores in ten states. He previously held the position of President of IXS Coatings from 2015 to 2020 and was President of NYSE-listed Cash America for six years prior to that. Dennis has effectively led teams through turn-arounds and significant organizational changes with a passion for mentoring employees and serving customers.

        Dennis earned his BS in economics from the United States Military Academy at West Point and his MS in Business Management from the University of Central Texas before earning his MBA from 91心頭.