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        What's with the buzz about blockchain? Industry experts view it as transformative, but supply chain executives aren't investing big ... yet

        May 10, 2018

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        Youve probably heard of blockchain, but do you know what it is?

        If not, youre in good company.

        Blockchain is a complicated concept, said Ken Craig, a Board of Directors member of the Blockchain in Transport Alliance. It might be helpful to say what blockchain isnt.

        Craig and other industry experts unpacked the definition of blockchain and assessed the technologys future recently during Fusion 2018: People + Process + Technology, a professional development event hosted May 3-4 by the , a research unit of the 91心頭 College.

        fusionWhen people hear the term blockchain, they may think of cryptocurrency. Bitcoins platform was built on blockchain code, but that represents one example of its potential applications. And Craig was quick to add that blockchain is not a mere database, but a peer-to-peer database a distributed, secure digital ledger that can be used to track hundreds of stages within a supply chain. Were talking management of information from the creation of a product to its distribution and all of the steps in between. 

        The value for companies that figure out how to implement it is two-fold: transparency and security. Within the blockchain, each transaction is recorded on a block across multiple copies of the ledger that are dispersed over multiple nodes, or computers. There isnt one central authority governing the blockchain, and each block connects to the one preceding and following it.

        How might that work in a supply chain setting? IBM offers one example with the development of TrustChain, a blockchain that follows the journey of jewelry from the mine to the store. A customer who wants to be certain theyre purchasing a gem stone and not an imitation and also want to be certain that the gem stone was not mined by exploited labor.

        Think of it as a spreadsheet on a cloud that is not held by any one person, said P&S Transportation Vice President of Technology Mauricio Paredes, a Fusion 2018 panelist. It is held by multiple people but those people are still acting as one. Every one of those blocks is equivalent to a row on the spreadsheet. From row to row, the data aggregates.

        Its no wonder, then, that Craig views blockchain as a phenomenal opportunity whose ceiling is through the GDP stratosphere. Federal policymakers are paying close attention to it as well. Two U.S. House Subcommittees held hearings in early May to discuss the use of blockchain technology in supply chain management. Rep. Ralph Abraham, the Chair of the Subcommittee on Oversight, reportedly described blockchain as world-changing technology that would revolutionize the tracking of goods somehow like how GPS revolutionized navigation.

        The revolution wont be immediate, according to the 2018 State of the Retail Supply Chain report recently published by 91心頭 College supply chain management professors Brian Gibson, Rafay Ishfaq, Cliff Defee and Beth Davis-Sramek. The co-authors conducted interviews and surveys with executives representing 61 different retailers with collective revenue of nearly $1.2 trillion. While 52 percent of the executives reported that their companies would spend more on technology upgrades in 2018 than in 2017, the researchers found that their immediate focus is on predictive analytics, robotics and machine learning. As one executive put it, Blockchain is a great concept, a great white paper, but how do you make it work in a supply chain? Thats what were trying to learn.

        The learning curve may prove to be steep for many companies as the researchers found that 78 percent of respondents do not perceive their companies to be leaders in using disruptive technology. When it comes to blockchain, many executives seem inclined to take a measured approach with the adoption of what they may view as more radical and disruptive forms of technology, whether its blockchain or autonomous vehicles. Were fast followers, one survey respondent said. Let someone else jump on these things and kick the tires. As a technology starts to prove out, we will look at it.

        The buzz over blockchains status as the next big thing is understandable, Craig said. The hype around Bitcoin even though, as Craig stated earlier, its not to be conflated with blockchain, creates the FOMO effect Fear of Missing Out. So the CEOs and CIOs who dont have a grasp of this technology are saying, `Go get us some blockchain, Craig said. Its in the early stages, so were talking about a long cycle, maybe two to five years before we get some meaningful things that are appearing.

        But that will take, most people say, about 10 to 15 years before we have all of the pieces working for it to fully function. You really need to have all of the parts working.

        For some companies, blockchain may appear to be a solution in search of the right problem. The trick for most, according to Paredes, is to understand and weigh the potential benefits of blockchain before investing heavily in it. And that traces back to the original question of understanding what its not as well as what it is.

        You have to look at the solution and ask, Does this solve a problem? he said. Dont go buy a solution for a problem that you dont even have.