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        Student Organizations, Supply Chain Management

        Auburn Supply Chain Management Association

        June 16, 2022 By Alex Ritenbaugh


        Blog Details



        Learn more about the Auburn Supply Chain Management Association

        Information and frequently asked questions about the supply chain student organization, Auburn Supply Chain Management Association (ASCMA)

        What is ASCMA?

        Auburn Supply Chain Management Association (ASCMA) is a student-run organization dedicated to furthering student knowledge of supply chain management and enhancing the career development of our members. ASCMA activities include guest lecturers from industry representatives, factory tours,  competitions, and socials.

        Why should I join?

        • Build your professional network through exclusive access to events like the ASCMA employer night before career fair
        • Learn about current industry trends from guest speakers 
        • Opportunities to travel to national supply chain conferences and tour employer facilities
        • Get to know your fellow SCMN students and faculty

        How do I join?

        ASCMA is open to all majors. Simply go to to sign up.

        For more information, check out the !