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        Supply Chain Management, resume

        How to join the resume book

        June 24, 2024 By Alex Ritenbaugh


        Blog Details

        A guide to getting your resume in the Supply Chain resume book.

        What's a resume book?

        At the beginning of every semester, we compile all of the SCMN student resumes into resume books for employers. We make one for intern candidates and one for full-time. By joining the SCMN resume book, you are allowing your resume to be shared with all of our employer partners. 

        Interesting! How do I make sure my resume is included?

        1. Follow the SCMN competency-based resume guide to ensure your resume fits our program standards. This guide is on the pre-internship Canvas page. 
        2. Once you think your resume looks good, convert it to a PDF and .
        3. Make sure you click the check mark to publish your resume. 
        4. Wait for feedback from our team via email. We'll either tell you your resume is good to go or we'll let you know if it still needs work.
        5. If your resume needs help, come by our office in Lowder 114 during office hours (9:00am - 3:00pm).
        6. Make the necessary edits to your resume and re-upload it to Handshake. 
        7. Throughout the semester as you make changed to your resume, be sure to keep your most up-to-date version visible on Handshake. 

        My resume didn't make the cut. What did I do wrong?

        Common reasons your resume may not be included in the resume book:

        1. Your resume isn't marked "visible" on Handshake.
        2. Your resume doesn't have an objective statement.
        3. Your objective statement doesn't include the semester you wish to intern or the date you wish to start your full-time job.
        4. Your graduation date on your resume doesn't match our records.
        5. Your resume is poorly formatted.
        6. Your resume has spelling or grammar errors. 
        7. Your resume is longer than 1 page. 

        Have questions?

        Stop by the supply chain office in Lowder 114 or schedule a resume review appointment with the OPCD.