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        SCMN Career Fair Prep

        July 10, 2024 By Alex Ritenbaugh


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        Recruiting season is in full swing and the 91心頭 and Supply Chain Management Career Fairs are quickly approaching. Here are some tips and tricks for a successful career fair.  

        Before the Career Fair

        Do your homework on the companies attending: The full list of attending employers is up on we'll be sending out a detailed spreadsheet of attendees about a week before the fair. Know the employer's industry, locations, and job opportunities they're recruiting. 

        Have a game plan: Choose the top 10 companies you want to ensure you meet at the fair. There are 60+ employers attending so you have to be strategic about which ones you target. If available, read through previous intern reports for that company on the pre-intern Canvas page, search for open positions on Handshake /LinkedIn, APPLY for the positions you're interested BEFORE the career fair. 

        Know what you're looking for: It's great to be open to any and every opportunity, but it's better to have an idea of the type of role you're interested in (operations, logistics, procurement, analyst, etc.), which industries, and any location preferences you may have. This will help you narrow down your "hit list". 

        Print your resume: Have at least 25 copies of your resume printed and ready to be handed out at the fair. 

        Attend the ASCMA networking night before the career fair: This is a great opportunity to network with employers BEFORE the career fair. It's a bit more casual and lower stress and will help you knock some of the employers off of your list so you have more time at the career fair.  and for a list of attending employer. Bring your resume! 

        At the Career Fair

        Dress the part: Proper attire for career fair is business professional (same for next day interviews). Here's a great .  You can also visit the for help outfitting yourself for the career fair. 

        Have a plan for each employer: Be ready to give out a copy of your resume and to give your quick elevator pitch. Request a business card from the representative you talk to. If they don't have one, make sure you write down their name so you can connect later on LinkedIn. After you leave the table, jot down a few notes about your interaction to help you keep track of everyone. Always ask the employer for next steps! 

        After the Career Fair

        Connect! Make sure you follow up and connect on LinkedIn with the people you met at career fair. Do it the same night so they remember you. Send a thank you email (if you have their address) or a follow-up LinkedIn message. This shows you're enthusiastic about working for them and that you have great follow-through. 

        You may be offered a next-day interview so be sure to answer any phone calls you get that night and keep on eye on your email. 

        If the employer asked for you to apply to their jobs online, do so within 2-3 days of the fair. 

        You're going to do great! Good Luck!