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        Accounting, Archive

        COVID-19 and Recruiting

        March 18, 2020 By Colby Lakas


        Blog Details

        The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live and work, so recruiting for employment opportunities is obviously impacted. As an AU student, what can you expect in the coming months?

        In short, none of us REALLY know what to expect, but there are some factors and possible outcomes you should be aware of in this early stage of the "new normal." Each recruit should openly discuss potential plans with employers of interest, as each firm/company may have a different approach.

        In this unprecedented time, it's even more critical that you are attentive to your email, as that is the main way the School of Accountancy and recruiters will interact with you.

        Campus Recruiting

        On-campus recruiting events that are/were scheduled to occur during the remote instruction timeframe will transition to a virtual format or be rescheduled to a later date. We are currently awaiting direction from the University regarding how the semester will end (extended remote instruction vs. a return to campus after Easter), and expect to have a definitive game plan soon. Most employers have already made plans to not physically return to campus for recruiting events until the fall.

        For events hosted by the School of Accountancy, we will devise a suitable substitution if we are unable to host an event. Stay tuned for more communication, and CHECK YOUR EMAIL DAILY!


        Thankfully, several employers utilized virtual interviewing tools BEFORE the pandemic, so most students are familiar with web-based interviews. If you have interviews currently scheduled or anticipate getting an interview soon, it will likely NOT be canceled, but rather take place via Skype, Zoom, WebX, etc. Check out the we published earlier in the semester regarding virtual interviews.

        Summer Leadership Programs

        At this time, most firms are taking the "wait and see" approach to hosting their Summer Leadership Programs (SLPs). Depending on how long the CDC recommends large events be post-poned, some conferences *could* be rescheduled, canceled, or conducted virtually. This will be a difficult decision for the firms to have to make if conditions do not improve over the next month, as they understand the importance of students having personal exposure to their office and culture. Be prepared for anything, and know that the firms will do everything possible to avoid depriving you of a great experience (while keeping your safety in high regard).


        Some spring internships that extend through April 15th have been canceled due to remote working issues for inexperienced employees like interns. At this time, we have not learned of summer internship programs being sacrificed by the COVID-19 pandemic, but this is a possibility. We already see the economic impact of this illness, so some companies/firms may have to make hiring modifications if they or their clients experience a decline in resources or demand. Of course, we hope this will not be the case, but stay in touch with your HR contact if you have an internship planned for Summer 2020.

        Relationship Building

        Relationship building will look different in light of social distancing, but you should not abandon contact with potential employers! Take advantage of email and virtual conferencing tools to stay in touch or make new introductions. The lack of personal contact could harm your prospects if you are not proactive during this time of physical isolation. We expect the employers to attempt to compensate for the lack of live interaction, but recruits should do their part as well.

        Articles of Possible Interest

        • If your summer employment falls through: