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        Accounting, Professional Development

        Conversational Competency: The Key to Success

        September 26, 2017 By Dorothy Dickmann


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        If asked, the vast majority of human beings will say that they hate small talk. As a result, many of us dread networking events; Two hours of small talk with professionals I dont know? What am I supposed to talk about?

        Combine the usual social anxieties surrounding networking with the pressure of trying to secure an internship, and theres no question that your nerves could get the better of youunless you go in prepared.

        First off, youre not limited to talking shop. Recruiters and professionals are not accounting robots. They are regular people with lives and interests outside of work, just like you! Youre there to learn about the employer, so some shop questions are appropriate and expected, but you want to get to know the person you meet. Follow the no politics or religion, rule, but feel free to delve into other topics. In her 2016 essay, The Benefits of a Little Small Talk,* Jennifer Breheny Wallace suggests sports, family, and travel as safe, yet engaging talking points.

        There will be the occasional awkward pause. Thats ok. Overcome awkward silences by walking into the event with a few personal anecdotes to kick-start conversation. Entrepreneur Jon Levy is quoted in Business Insider; I always have a story of something Ive been doing recently or a book that Ive been reading. Asking, Did you see that big movie released last weekend? is a great conversation reviver.

        Dont be afraid to admit when you dont know something. If a professional throws out an acronym that you dont know, politely asking, Im sorry, thats not a term Im familiar with, can you explain it? does not make you look stupid. There are many terms used in the professional realm that we dont learn as students. Dont just give them a blank stare or a nod. Asking for further explanation of something shows both humility and curiosity (very desirable qualities for an intern to have).

        Exit conversations gracefully. Youre at a networking event; you want to have as many conversations as possible. Dont abruptly end conversations by asking for a business card and running away. That leaves a bad taste in the mouth of everyone involved. Business Insider suggests taking an extra beat to make eye contact, before leaving. Wallace cites author and small talk expert Debra Fine, for this tip: use subtle verbal cues like Before we take off, or Since I only have a few minutes left, to ease your way out of conversations.

        Small talk doesnt have to be painful (or even shallow). In her essay, Wallace cites multiple published studies tying small talk with strangers to day-to-day happiness and well-being. By honing your conversation skills during the recruiting process, you arent just investing in your future as a professional. Conversational competency has the potential to improve social interactions across the board (and, maybe even your mood)!

        Read the full articles below for even more tips!

        How to talk to anyone at a networking event, Richard Feloni, Business Insider

        The Benefits of a Little Small Talk, Jennifer Breheny Wallace, WSJ *