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        Accounting, Professional Development

        Conversation Starters When Networking

        August 30, 2022 By Colby Lakas


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        Don’t know what to talk about with the firm representatives? Here are ten things to help create a healthy two-way convo at any recruiting event. Keeping a few of these questions in your back pocket will surely open the door to lots of great "get to know you" discussions that will help you find your fit with the firms.

        1. How ‘bout them Auburn Tigers?  Auburn athletics always create a buzz.  Even if the professional didn't graduate from Auburn, if they are from the South, they are likely to follow SEC sports!
        2. You work in (insert service area) – can you tell me what a typical day is like?  If you’re still feeling out the Audit/Tax/Advisory topic, then finding out more about what people who work in that area actually DO will be helpful as you chart your own path.
        3. Where did you grow up?  Knowing people’s hometowns is always interesting, and opens you up for lots of follow-up questions.  You may learn something new about a city outside of Alabama, or you may realize you know some of the same people!
        4. Have you taken (or will you take) any fun trips lately? Folks in public accounting love to schedule getaways to help them rejuvenate.  It's fun to bond over cool vacation conversation!
        5. Do you have any plans for the weekend?  This question is best planted in an event occurring later in the week, but getting people talking about how they spend their personal time can always give great insight into their interests.
        6. Did you go to Auburn?  If they did, then you can automatically talk about classes, organizations and traditions that you both are familiar with.  If they didn’t, ask about their college recruitment experience, and things they loved about their school.
        7. How was the trip down here?  Obviously, this question is only appropriate if we’re in Auburn, and someone traveled more than 15 minutes to get here.  You never know what kind of stories will ensue.  For example, when I was a recruiter on my way to a dinner in Auburn, I ran over a huge orange construction barrel on I-85 and had to pull over when I realized it was lodged underneath my car.  A good Samaritan assisted me and saved the day (and my recruiting dinner) with enough time for me to make it to Auburn.  It made for good dinner conversation!
        8. How did you choose to work for X firm/company?  This question can give you some insight into what things make that employer unique, and prompt more questions about the culture. 
        9. What do you like about living in X city?  You’ve chosen a city as your #1 preference and may or may not know about life there.  Learning more about what a professional loves about their city will not only engage them, but perhaps give you a few tips about great restaurants or sights to see.
        10. How ‘bout this weather we’ve had?  The weather is always a safe bet to get conversation going. This is an age old topic that many people resort to when they don’t know what else to say!